On-site and laboratory calibration

Our audiometric calibration system (laboratory and site) is based around our unique ADACS system and our hassle-free approach.

The ADACS system can calibrate any type of audiometer from a hand-held screening device to a fully featured clinical instrument. The parameters measured are Frequency, Sound Pressure Level, Force Level, Narrow-Band Masking Level, Distortion and Attenuator Linearity.

Tympanometers are calibrated in a similar manner to audiometers with additional measurements made on the pressure and compliance sections of the instrument.

All types of Hearing Instrument Test boxes can be calibrated and the parameters tested are Frequency, Sound Pressure Level, Distortion and Linearity.

Evoked Response Audiometers are calibrated to the appropriate standards for pure tone and transient signals (click, tone burst, and chirp). This ensures that all ERA calibrations carried out by Acoustic Metrology are in compliance with the NHSP AEP Calibration Recommendations.

Oto-Acoustic Emission equipment is calibrated to the manufacturer’s specifications. This will be based on the calibration of the probe transducers utilising a probe and measurement coupler configuration specified by the manufacturer.

We also offer calibration of mechanical couplers, sound level meters, filter sets, dosemeters and sound level calibrators and various acoustical equipment such as pre-amps, microphones, measuring amplifiers etc.

Our experience in audiometric calibration allows us to offer calibration of telephonometric devices such as artificial ears and artificial mouths.

Detailed calibration certificates are provided for the above which tabulate all of the measurements made both before and after any adjustments.

Contact us

Acoustic Metrology
Cadzow Industrial Estate
Low Waters Road
Hamilton, Lanarkshire
United Kingdom

Company registration number: 4733494

Email: Info@a-met.com
Tel: +44 (0) 1698 208250


Acoustic Metrology is a UKAS accredited calibration laboratory No. 0798

Acoustic Metrology has been registered as conforming to the requirements of ISO 9001:2015. The management system is applicable to: The management, calibration and repair of audiometric and acoustic instrumentation.